Big Data Projects Using Hadoop

Numerous Big Data Projects Using Hadoop project ideas progressing continuously in the contemporary years are shared by Get best simulation and implementation results from us, we share novel project t ideas and fast paper publishing support. Appropriate for a scope of applications, we suggest few extensive project plans which combine different Hadoop elements like MapReduce, Pig, HDFS, Hive, and more, we work on all these listed areas contact us for best guidance:

  1. Analyzing Social Media Data Using Hadoop

Project Title: “Real-Time Social Media Analytics Using Hadoop”


  • As a means to obtain valuable perceptions based on public sentiment and patterns, we plan to gather, process, and examine extensive social media data in actual time.


  • Data Collection: For collecting data from social media environments such as Facebook and Twitter, it is beneficial to employ APIs.
  • Data Storage: The gathered data must be saved in HDFS for distributed storage and processing.
  • Data Processing: In order to carry out missions such as trend detection, word count, and sentiment analysis, process and explore text data through the utilization of MapReduce.
  • Data Querying: For in-depth analysis, our team intends to utilize Hive to execute SQL-like queries on the processed data.


  1. It is approachable to configure a Hadoop cluster and arrange HDFS.
  2. As a means to collect actual time social media data, we focus on applying data collection scripts.
  3. For processing the data, it is advisable to write MapReduce jobs. Our team plans to obtain major parameters such as sentiment, hashtags, and user mentions.
  4. To query the processes data, our team utilizes Hive. Based on advancing topics and public sentiment, it is better to produce documents.
  5. Through the utilization of tools such as Apache Superset or Tableau, we intend to visualize the outcomes.

Anticipated Result:

  • For actual time social media analytics, this study could suggest an extensive environment. On the basis of public sentiment and patterns, it can offer perceptions which are capable of updating marketing policies, political campaigns, and more.
  1. Hadoop-Based Recommendation System

Project Title: “Building a Scalable Recommendation System Using Hadoop”


  • In order to process huge datasets of user activity and produce customized product or content suggestions, our team intends to construct a recommendation framework.


  • Data Collection: We aim to collect user interaction data from applications or websites.
  • Data Storage: For effective processing, it is significant to save user data in HDFS.
  • Data Processing: To process user activity data, we utilize MapReduce. On the basis of collaborative filtering, produce beneficial suggestions.
  • Data Querying: Specifically, for complicated data transformations and analysis, our team employs Pig.


  1. We focus on establishing a Hadoop cluster and arranging HDFS.
  2. Typically, user interaction data like page views, purchase history, and ratings has to be gathered.
  3. To process the data, our team applies MapReduce jobs. It is appreciable to compute resemblances among products or users.
  4. In order to convert the data, we plan to employ Pig scripts. The recommendation methods must be improved.
  5. Customized suggestions have to be produced and focus on assessing their significance and preciseness.

Anticipated Result:

  • This project can provide an adaptable recommendation framework in such a manner that contains the ability to manage huge amounts of user data. To improve user expertise and involvement, it offers customized suggestions.
  1. Log Analysis and Monitoring with Hadoop

Project Title: “Implementing Big Data Log Analysis for System Monitoring Using Hadoop”


  • For tracking and identifying abnormalities in IT architecture, we focus on processing and investigating huge amounts of system log data.


  • Data Collection: From network devices, servers, and applications, it is better to collect system records.
  • Data Storage: For distributed processing, we aim to save log data in HDFS.
  • Data Processing: To process records, detect trends, and identify abnormalities, our team plans to employ MapReduce.
  • Data Querying: For tracking and analysis, execute queries on processed log data through the utilization of Hive.


  1. It is significant to arrange a Hadoop cluster and construct HDFS.
  2. From different resources, our team gathers log data and saves it in HDFS.
  3. As a means to analyse log data, obtain significant parameters, and detect abnormalities, it is approachable to write MapReduce jobs.
  4. For querying the processes data, our team aims to utilize Hive. For system tracking, it is advisable to produce documents or warnings.
  5. By employing tools such as Grafana or Kibana, we plan to visualize the outcomes and patterns.

Anticipated Result:

  • For examining huge amounts of log data, this study can provide an efficient framework. As a means to sustain system welfare and effectiveness, it offers actual time tracking and anomaly identification.
  1. Big Data Sentiment Analysis Using Hadoop

Project Title: “Sentiment Analysis of Customer Reviews Using Hadoop”


  • To obtain sentiment and perceptions based on product review and consumer fulfilment, our team examines huge amounts of customer reviews.


  • Data Collection: From e-commerce sites or social media environments, we gather consumer feedback.
  • Data Storage: Specifically, for distributed processing, it is better to save the gathered data.
  • Data Processing: To carry out sentiment analysis, process and examine text data by employing MapReduce.
  • Data Querying: For data transformation and analysis missions, our team employs Pig.


  1. Our team intends to establish a Hadoop cluster and arrange HDFS.
  2. Huge datasets of consumer feedback should be gathered and focus on saving them in HDFS.
  3. For carrying out missions such as sentiment categorization and tokenization, process the text data by applying MapReduce jobs.
  4. To convert the data, we employ Pig. Relevant to consumer sentiment, it is better to obtain major perceptions.
  5. Through the utilization of tools such as Tableau or D3.js, visualize the outcomes.

Anticipated Result:

  • To offer beneficial perceptions based on consumer choices and reviews, this project could suggest an extensive sentiment analysis framework. Typically, in marketing policies and product enhancement, it is assistive.
  1. Retail Sales Analysis Using Hadoop

Project Title: “Big Data Analytics for Retail Sales Using Hadoop”


  • For enhancing consumer expertise and improving sales, detect chances, tendencies, and patterns, thorough investigating huge datasets of retail sales data.


  • Data Collection: From retail databases or point-of-sales frameworks, we aim to gather sales data.
  • Data Storage: For effective processing and analysis, it is appreciable to save sales data in HDFS.
  • Data Processing: To detect patterns and tendencies, process the sales data through the utilization of MapReduce.
  • Data Querying: As a means to execute complicated queries on the sales data, our team plans to utilize Hive.


  1. It is approachable to arrange a Hadoop cluster and construct HDFS.
  2. We intend to gather and import retail sales data into HDFS.
  3. For processing the data, our team plans to apply MapReduce jobs. Generally, parameters such as consumer segmentation, sales patterns, and prevalent products have to be estimated.
  4. To query the data, we utilize Hive. On the basis of sales effectiveness, produce extensive documents.
  5. By employing tools such as Google Data Studio or Power BI, it is better to visualize the outcomes.

Anticipated Result:

  • This study can offer a robust analytics environment to improve sales and consumer fulfilment by allowing retail industries to make data-based choices, examine sales data, and detect patterns.
  1. Big Data Processing for Genomic Data Analysis

Project Title: “Processing and Analyzing Genomic Data Using Hadoop”


  • In order to research gene expression, detect genetic markers, and progress customized medicine, we plan to process and examine huge genomic datasets.


  • Data Collection: From public databases such as the 1000 Genomes Project, our team gathers genomic data.
  • Data Storage: It is significant to save genomic sequences and relevant data in HDFS.
  • Data Processing: As a means to carry out sequence alignment, variant calling, and gene expression analysis, it is beneficial to employ MapReduce.
  • Data Querying: For querying and examining processes genomic data, we intend to utilize Hive.


  1. Our team focuses on establishing a Hadoop cluster and arranging HDFS.
  2. In HDFS, we plan to download and save huge genomic datasets.
  3. For carrying out missions such as variant calling and sequence alignment, process the genomic data by writing MapReduce jobs.
  4. In order to detect genetic markers and trends, execute queries on the processed data through the utilization of Hive.
  5. By employing bioinformatics tools or conventional dashboards, our team aims to visualize the analysis outcomes.

Anticipated Result:

  • For processing and examining huge genomic datasets, this study could suggest an efficient model. Generally, beneficial perceptions based on genetics and progressing study in customized medicine could be offered.
  1. Hadoop-Based Network Traffic Analysis

Project Title: “Big Data Analytics for Network Traffic Monitoring Using Hadoop”


  • For detecting safety attacks, improving network utilization, and tracking network effectiveness, our team examines huge amounts of network traffic data.


  • Data Collection: Mainly, from switches, routers, and other network devices, we aim to collect network traffic data.
  • Data Storage: For distributed processing, it is approachable to save traffic logs in HDFS.
  • Data Processing: As a means to detect abnormalities, examine traffic data, and identify trends, our team utilizes MapReduce.
  • Data Querying: For extensive analysis, it is beneficial to employ Hive to query traffic data.


  1. We plan to establish a Hadoop cluster and organize HDFS.
  2. It is advisable to gather network traffic data and save it in HDFS.
  3. To detect traffic trends and abnormalities, process and investigate the data through applying MapReduce jobs.
  4. Generally, Hive must be utilized to query the data. On the basis of network protection and effectiveness, produce documentations.
  5. Through the utilization of tools such as ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) or Splunk, our team visualizes the analysis.

Anticipated Result:

  • For tracking and examining network traffic, this project could offer an extensive framework. It significantly facilitates efficient network management and improved protection.
  1. Fraud Detection in Financial Transactions Using Hadoop

Project Title: “Real-Time Fraud Detection in Financial Transactions Using Hadoop”


  • Through the utilization of Hadoop, examine huge datasets of transactions by identifying and avoiding fraud behaviors in financial transactions.


  • Data Collection: From financial institutions, we plan to gather transaction data.
  • Data Storage: Transaction logs should be saved in HDFS for distributed processing.
  • Data Processing: For detecting abnormalities and doubtful behaviors, investigate transaction data through the utilization of MapReduce.
  • Data Querying: It is beneficial to employ Hive to query transaction data for fraud analysis.


  1. It is significant to arrange a Hadoop cluster and design HDFS.
  2. We focus on gathering and saving huge datasets of financial transaction logs in HDFS.
  3. In order to process data and identify abnormalities reflective of fraudulence, our team applies MapReduce jobs.
  4. It is beneficial to employ Hive to query the data. Based on possible fraudulent situations, produce extensive documentation.
  5. The outcomes must be visualized with the aid of appropriate tools or techniques.

What are some Apache Spark projects for a capstone project at the master’s level?

Several Apache Spark projects exist, but some are determined as efficient. We provide few project plans which would be appropriate for a master’s level capstone project encompassing Apache Spark:

  1. Real-Time Data Processing and Analytics Platform
  • Aim: Through the utilization of Spark Streaming and Apache Spark, we focus on constructing an environment which collects, processes, and examines actual time data streams in an effective manner.
  • Elements: It is beneficial to employ a NoSQL database such as Cassandra for data storage, Apache Kafka for data ingestion, and Spark Streaming for real-time processing.
  • Result: As a means to manage high-throughput data streams and produce actual time warnings and perceptions, this study shows the capability of the framework.
  1. Large-Scale Machine Learning Pipeline
  • Aim: As a means to manage huge datasets for missions such as clustering, categorization, or regression, our team plans to develop an end-to-end machine learning pipeline.
  • Elements: Typically, a distributed storage system such as HDFS, Spark MLlib for machine learning model training, and Spark SQL for data preprocessing should be employed.
  • Result: The ability of the pipeline to instruct and assess frameworks in an effective manner on an extensive dataset is depicted in this project.
  1. Big Data ETL Pipeline
  • Aim: To process and convert huge amounts of data from different resources, we intend to construct an Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) pipeline.
  • Elements: Our team focuses on combining with the data storage approaches like Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage, and utilizing Spark SQL for data extraction and transformation.
  • Result: On the basis of adaptability and effectiveness of the ETL pipeline with various datasets, this study offers an extensive document.
  1. Graph Processing and Analysis with GraphX
  • Aim: Through the utilization of Spark’s GraphX library, our team plans to apply and investigate extensive graph data.
  • Elements: On datasets such as web graphs or social networks, it is approachable to carry out graph analytics like PageRank, community identification, and shortest path assessment.
  • Result: This project assesses the effectiveness of graph methods on huge datasets and provides perceptions that are obtained from graph data.
  1. Recommendation System for E-commerce Platform
  • Aim: In order to offer customized product suggestions, we construct a recommendation framework for an e-commerce environment.
  • Elements: It is advisable to utilize a database such as MongoDB for storing user-item communications, and collaborative filtering approaches in Spark MLlib, Spark SQL for data collection.
  • Result: Through the utilization of parameters like mean squared error, accuracy, and recall, this study assesses the effectiveness and preciseness of the recommendation framework.
  1. Predictive Analytics for IoT Data
  • Aim: For predicting upcoming patterns and abnormalities, we focus on developing a predictive analytics framework for IoT data.
  • Elements: Generally, a time-series database such as InfluxDB, Spark Streaming for real-time data ingestion, and Spark MLlib for predictive modeling must be employed.
  • Result: To manage and forecast abnormalities in actual time IoT data streams, this project shows the capability of the framework.
  1. Text Mining and Sentiment Analysis on Social Media Data
  • Aim: By employing Apache Spark, we carry out sentiment analysis on social media.
  • Elements: Our team focuses on utilizing a visualization tool such as Tableau for depicting outcomes, text processing libraries of Spark, and Spark SQL for data management.
  • Result: The sentiment of social media posts is investigated and it offers visual perceptions based on patterns and public choices.
  1. Distributed Data Processing for Genomic Data
  • Aim: For detecting genetic markers and trends, it is approachable to process and examine extensive genomic data.
  • Elements: Specifically, for managing genomic sequences, we make use of Spark’s RDDs and DataFrames. Focus on combining with the bioinformatics tools and outcomes has to be saved in an adaptable database.
  • Result: In order to process and investigate huge volumes of genomic data in an effective manner, this study exhibits the ability of the pipeline.
  1. Data Warehouse with Apache Spark and Hive
  • Aim: For saving and querying huge datasets, our team creates a data warehouse framework by employing Hive and Apache Spark.
  • Elements: It is appreciable to apply Hive for data warehousing, Spark SQL for data querying, and combine with cloud storage approaches.
  • Result: Based on the adaptability and effectiveness of the data warehouse with complicated queries and huge datasets, this project offers a document.
  1. Big Data Analytics for Financial Market Prediction
  • Aim: A suitable framework has to be developed for examining financial market data and forecasting stock expenses.
  • Elements: We intend to employ a financial database for historical data storage, Spark Streaming for real-time data ingestion, and Spark MLlib for predictive modeling.
  • Result: This study assesses the prediction preciseness of the framework and exhibits an extensive analysis of financial market patterns.

Big Data Thesis Using Hadoop

We have provided few widespread

Big Data Thesis Using Hadoop Projects

which combine different Hadoop elements like MapReduce, Pig, HDFS, Hive, and more. Also, several Apache Spark projects which are appropriate for a master’s level capstone project are suggested by us in an elaborate manner. The below mentioned details will be both valuable and assistive. For best guidance along with tailored support you can be belive in our expert.  

  1. Impact of class distribution on the detection of slow HTTP DoS attacks using Big Data
  2. Online Feature Selection (OFS) with Accelerated Bat Algorithm (ABA) and Ensemble Incremental Deep Multiple Layer Perceptron (EIDMLP) for big data streams
  3. Big data driven co-occurring evidence discovery in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients
  4. An efficient storage and service method for multi-source merging meteorological big data in cloud environment
  5. A big data placement method using NSGA-III in meteorological cloud platform
  6. Research on financial network big data processing technology based on fireworks algorithm
  7. Bayesian mixture models and their Big Data implementations with application to invasive species presence-only data
  8. Missing data management and statistical measurement of socio-economic status: application of big data
  9. Evaluating partitioning and bucketing strategies for Hive-based Big Data Warehousing systems
  10. Social customer relationship management: taking advantage of Web 2.0 and Big Data technologies
  11. Big data and tactical analysis in elite soccer: future challenges and opportunities for sports science
  12. Research on trust mechanism of cooperation innovation with big data processing based on blockchain
  13. Spectral partitioning and fuzzy C-means based clustering algorithm for big data wireless sensor networks
  14. A comprehensive ranking model for tweets big data in online social network
  15. Big data would not lie: prediction of the 2016 Taiwan election via online heterogeneous information
  16. Random forest implementation and optimization for Big Data analytics on LexisNexis’s high performance computing cluster platform
  17. Infrastructure planning and topology optimization for reliable mobile big data transmission under cloud radio access networks
  18. Modeling the effect of days and road type on peak period travels using structural equation modeling and big data from radio frequency identification for private cars and taxis
  19. Evaluation of maxout activations in deep learning across several big data domains
  20. Web-based collaborative big data analytics on big data as a service platform

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