Wiley Journals Computer Science
Wiley Journals Computer Science offers assistance with writing, editing, and publishing research papers in unpaid journals. We focus on the below listed points so we guarantee 100% publication. Here are 30 noteworthy Wiley journals connected to computer science, along with brief details about their focus areas:
- Software: Practice and Experience
- Focuses on the design and implementation of software, practical experiences, and lessons learned.
- Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
- Covers the development and integration of parallel and distributed computing.
- Journal of Software: Evolution and Process
- Dedicated to the processes, methods, and tools for software evolution, maintenance, and management.
- Computer Graphics Forum
- Focuses on innovative results, techniques, and methods in computer graphics.
- Journal of Computational Chemistry
- Offers articles on computational chemistry, molecular modeling, and related areas of computational science.
- Security and Communication Networks
- Deals with the theory and practice of creating secure and reliable communication networks.
- Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
- Covers research and development in wireless communications and mobile computing.
- Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal
- Focuses on data analysis, statistical modeling, and data mining techniques.
- Journal of Field Robotics
- Publishes research on the use of robotic systems in field environments.
- Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies
– Discusses new and emerging technologies impacting telecommunications.
- International Journal of Intelligent Systems
– Covers the theory and application of intelligent systems, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.
- Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds
– Focuses on research in computer animation, virtual environments, and augmented reality.
- Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
– Explores the social and communicational aspects of the Internet and digital media.
- Networks
– Offers articles on the mathematical, computational, and practical aspects of networks and network optimization.
- Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
– Discusses the development and analysis of numerical methods for PDEs.
- Cognitive Computation
– Integrates cognitive science and computational theories to model cognitive processes.
- Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST)
– Explores the production, discovery, recording, storage, representation, retrieval, and use of information.
- Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries
– Examines human factors and ergonomics in the context of manufacturing and service sectors.
- Journal of Graph Theory
– Publishes papers on graph theory and its applications to other areas of mathematics, science, and engineering.
- International Journal of Communication Systems
– Deals with the design, analysis, and management of communication systems.
- Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics
– Focuses on computational methods and tools in bioinformatics, computational biology, and systems biology.
- Knowledge and Information Systems
– An international journal covering all aspects of knowledge management, information systems, and related areas.
- Journal of Cheminformatics
– Deals with the application of computer and informational techniques to chemistry.
- Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
– Publishes papers that apply advanced mathematical methods to problems in the applied sciences.
- Random Structures & Algorithms
– Focuses on the study of random structures and algorithms.
- Real-Time Systems
– Covers all aspects of real-time systems, including theory, tools, applications, and experiences.
- Software Testing, Verification & Reliability
– Dedicated to the development, analysis, and application of software testing, verification, and reliability.
- Systems Engineering
– Explores the development and application of systems engineering principles and techniques.
- The Computer Journal
– Covers all aspects of computer science, providing a platform for the dissemination of significant, innovative research.
- WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
– Reviews and explains the latest data mining techniques and algorithms,
Top 30 computer science wiley journals list
Here’s an overview of what to expect and how to prepare your manuscript for submission to a Wiley journal:
Manuscript Preparation
1. Follow Author Guidelines
- Each Wiley journal has detailed author guidelines available on its website. These guidelines include instructions on manuscript format, style, word count, figure and table presentation, and referencing style.
2. Structure Your Manuscript Appropriately
- Although the structure may vary depending on the field, a typical research article includes an abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusions, references, and, if applicable, acknowledgments and supplementary material.
3. Ensure Ethical Compliance
- Pay attention to ethical considerations, such as declaring any conflicts of interest, obtaining necessary approvals for research involving humans or animals, and following guidelines on research integrity and publication ethics.
4. Prepare High-Quality Figures and Tables
- Figures and tables should be clear, legible, and prepared in a format and resolution specified by the journal. Some journals require figures and tables to be submitted as separate files.
Submission Process
1. Online Submission
- Wiley journals typically use an online submission system, such as ScholarOne Manuscripts or Editorial Manager. You’ll need to create an account, fill in detailed information about your manuscript, and upload your files according to the system’s instructions.
2. Cover Letter
- A well-prepared cover letter can help the editor understand the significance of your research and why it’s a good fit for the journal. Include a brief overview of the study and its key findings, and mention any special considerations.
Peer Review
- After submission, your manuscript will undergo a peer review process. This can be single-blind, double-blind, or open review, depending on the journal’s policy.
- Be prepared to receive feedback and requests for revisions. Address all comments thoroughly and resubmit your revised manuscript within the specified timeframe.
Acceptance and Publication
1. Acceptance
- Once your manuscript is accepted, you may need to provide additional information or documents. Some journals offer open access options, which may require payment of an Article Processing Charge (APC).
2. Proofs
- Before publication, you will receive a set of proofs for your article. Review these carefully for any errors or omissions and return them according to the journal’s instructions.
3. Publication
- After final approval, your article will be published. Wiley offers various publication formats, including online early view (before print publication) and fully open access.
List of Wiley Journals Computer Science
List of Wiley Journals Computer Science for many domains are listed here. If you have completed your writing and struggling with publication then do contact us for more support.
S.no | Journal Title | ISSN | Subjects |
1. | Advanced Control for Applications: Engineering and Industrial Systems | 08848173 | Computer Science |
2. | Advanced Quantum Technologies | 14785951 | Computer Science |
3. | Advances in Chemical Physics | 10557148 | Computer Science |
4. | AI Magazine | 08943370 | Computer Science |
5. | CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology | 10556001 | Computer Science |
6. | Cognitive Computation and Systems | 10964290 | Computer Science |
7. | Cognitive Science | 07372884 | Computer Science |
8. | Communication, Culture and Critique |
| Computer Science |
9. | Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering | 15564959 | Computer Science |
10. | Computational and Mathematical Methods | 02776693 | Computer Science |
11. | Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds | 1040550X | Computer Science |
12. | Computer Applications in Engineering Education | 1532060X | Computer Science |
13. | Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience | 20477481 | Computer Science |
14. | Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries | 15322882 | Computer Science |
15. | Electronics and Communications in Japan | 23301643 | Computer Science |
16. | Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part I: Communications (English translation of Denshi Tsushin Gakkai Ronbunshi) | 10498907 | Computer Science |
17. | Engineering Reports |
| Computer Science |
18. | ETRI Journal | 18681743 | Computer Science |
19. | Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies | 17444292 | Computer Science |
20. | IET Biometrics | 00283045 | Computer Science |
21. | IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing | 01432087 | Computer Science |
22. | IET Communications |
| Computer Science |
23. | IET Computer Vision | 15508390 | Computer Science |
24. | IET Computers and Digital Techniques |
| Computer Science |
25. | IET Control Theory and Applications | 1611020X | Computer Science |
26. | IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory and Applications | 10429832 | Computer Science |
27. | IET Cyber-systems and Robotics | 10693599 | Computer Science |
28. | IET Image Processing | 00380644 | Computer Science |
29. | IET Information Security | 10774866 | Computer Science |
30. | IET Networks | 09600833 | Computer Science |
31. | IET Quantum Communication | 19321872 | Computer Science |
32. | IET Signal Processing | 08821666 | Computer Science |
33. | IET Smart Grid | 10981241 | Computer Science |
34. | IET Software | 17568757 | Computer Science |
35. | Information Display | 17590876 | Computer Science |
36. | International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering | 19424787 | Computer Science |
37. | International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids | 08848173 | Computer Science |
38. | International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing | 14785951 | Computer Science |
39. | International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications | 10557148 | Computer Science |
40. | International Journal of Communication Systems | 08943370 | Computer Science |
41. | International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology | 10556001 | Computer Science |
42. | International Journal of Intelligent Systems | 10964290 | Computer Science |
43. | International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery | 07372884 | Computer Science |
44. | International Journal of Network Management |
| Computer Science |
45. | International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields | 15564959 | Computer Science |
46. | International Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management | 02776693 | Computer Science |
47. | International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering | 1040550X | Computer Science |
48. | International Journal of Satellite Communications | 1532060X | Computer Science |
49. | Internet Technology Letters | 20477481 | Computer Science |
50. | Journal of Field Robotics | 15322882 | Computer Science |
51. | Journal of Forecasting | 23301643 | Computer Science |
52. | Journal of Software Maintenance | 10498907 | Computer Science |
53. | Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution |
| Computer Science |
54. | Journal of Software: Evolution and Process | 18681743 | Computer Science |
55. | Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology | 17444292 | Computer Science |
56. | Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology | 00283045 | Computer Science |
57. | Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation | 01432087 | Computer Science |
58. | MedComm |
| Computer Science |
59. | Molecular Informatics | 15508390 | Computer Science |
60. | Molecular Systems Biology |
| Computer Science |
61. | Networks | 1611020X | Computer Science |
62. | Optimal Control Applications and Methods | 10429832 | Computer Science |
63. | Policy and Internet | 10693599 | Computer Science |
64. | Proceedings of the ASIST Annual Meeting | 00380644 | Computer Science |
65. | Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology | 10774866 | Computer Science |
66. | QSAR and Combinatorial Science | 09600833 | Computer Science |
67. | Random Structures and Algorithms | 19321872 | Computer Science |
68. | Reviews in Computational Chemistry | 08821666 | Computer Science |
69. | Software – Practice and Experience | 10981241 | Computer Science |
70. | Software Process Improvement and Practice | 17568757 | Computer Science |
71. | Software Testing Verification and Reliability | 17590876 | Computer Science |
72. | Statistical Analysis and Data Mining | 19424787 | Computer Science |
73. | Systems and Computers in Japan | 08848173 | Computer Science |
74. | Systems Engineering | 14785951 | Computer Science |
75. | Topics in Cognitive Science | 10557148 | Computer Science |
76. | Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science | 08943370 | Computer Science |
77. | Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery | 10556001 | Computer Science |
78. | Information Systems Journal | 13501917 | Computer Networks and Communications |
79. | Photogrammetric Record | 0031868X | Computers in Earth Sciences |
80. | Photogrammetric Record | 0031868X | Computer Science Applications |
81. | International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications | 989886 | Computer Science Applications |
82. | International Journal of Communication Systems | 10745351 | Computer Networks and Communications |
83. | Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering | 10939687 | Computer Science Applications |
84. | Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering | 10939687 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
85. | Computer Applications in Engineering Education | 10613773 | Computer Science (all) |
86. | International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields | 8943370 | Computer Science Applications |
87. | International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering | 10964290 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
88. | International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering | 10964290 | Computer Science Applications |
89. | Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication | 10836101 | Computer Science Applications |
90. | Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication | 10836101 | Computer Networks and Communications |
91. | International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids | 2712091 | Computer Science Applications |
92. | International Journal of Network Management | 10557148 | Computer Science Applications |
93. | International Journal of Network Management | 10557148 | Computer Networks and Communications |
94. | Journal of Forecasting | 2776693 | Computer Science Applications |
95. | Systems Engineering | 10981241 | Computer Networks and Communications |
96. | Expert Systems | 2664720 | Theoretical Computer Science |
97. | International Journal of Intelligent Systems | 8848173 | Human-Computer Interaction |
98. | International Journal of Intelligent Systems | 8848173 | Theoretical Computer Science |
99. | ETRI Journal | 12256463 | Computer Science (all) |
100. | Computer Graphics Forum | 1677055 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
101. | Journal of Computer Assisted Learning | 2664909 | Computer Science Applications |
102. | Random Structures and Algorithms | 10429832 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
103. | Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience | 15320626 | Theoretical Computer Science |
104. | Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience | 15320626 | Computer Science Applications |
105. | Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience | 15320626 | Computer Networks and Communications |
106. | Networks | 283045 | Computer Networks and Communications |
107. | Ground Water | 0017467X | Computers in Earth Sciences |
108. | International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology | 8999457 | Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition |
109. | Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds | 15464261 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
110. | Journal of Field Robotics | 15564959 | Computer Science Applications |
111. | International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery | 1478596X | Computer Science Applications |
112. | IET Control Theory and Applications | 17518644 | Computer Science Applications |
113. | IET Control Theory and Applications | 17518644 | Human-Computer Interaction |
114. | IET Communications | 17518628 | Computer Science Applications |
115. | IET Information Security | 17518709 | Computer Networks and Communications |
116. | IET Image Processing | 17519659 | Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition |
117. | IET Software | 17518806 | Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design |
118. | IET Computer Vision | 17519632 | Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition |
119. | International Transactions in Operational Research | 9696016 | Computer Science Applications |
120. | Geography Compass | 17498198 | Computers in Earth Sciences |
121. | Statistical Analysis and Data Mining | 19321864 | Computer Science Applications |
122. | Electronics and Communications in Japan | 19429533 | Computer Networks and Communications |
123. | Topics in Cognitive Science | 17568757 | Human-Computer Interaction |
124. | Molecular Informatics | 18681743 | Computer Science Applications |
125. | Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science | 17590876 | Computer Science Applications |
126. | Policy and Internet |
| Computer Science Applications |
127. | IET Biometrics | 20474938 | Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition |
128. | Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery | 19424787 | Computer Science (all) |
129. | Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology | 23301635 | Computer Networks and Communications |
130. | IET Networks | 20474954 | Computer Networks and Communications |
131. | Communication, Culture and Critique | 17539129 | Computer Science Applications |
132. | Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology |
| Computer Science (all) |
133. | Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation |
| Computers in Earth Sciences |
134. | IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory and Applications |
| Computer Networks and Communications |
135. | IET Cyber-Physical Systems: Theory and Applications |
| Computer Science Applications |
136. | CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology | 24686557 | Computer Networks and Communications |
137. | CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology | 24686557 | Human-Computer Interaction |
138. | CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology | 24686557 | Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition |
139. | IET Smart Grid |
| Computer Networks and Communications |
140. | Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies |
| Human-Computer Interaction |
| Robotics |
| Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
| Computer Science, Information Systems |
| Robotics | Automation & Control Systems | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
145. | IET NETWORKS | 2047-4954 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
| Computer Science, Information Systems |
147. | SECURITY AND PRIVACY | 2475-6725 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
| Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
| Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
| Telecommunications |
151. | SECURITY AND PRIVACY | 2475-6725 | Telecommunications |
152. | ADVANCED INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS | 0266-4720 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
153. | CAAI TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENCE TECHNOLOGY | 2047-4938 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
154. | COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE | 1751-8601 | Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture |
155. | COMPUTER-AIDED CIVIL AND INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING | 1751-9632 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
156. | COMPUTER ANIMATION AND VIRTUAL WORLDS | 1751-9659 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
157. | COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION | 1751-8709 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
158. | COMPUTER GRAPHICS FORUM | 1751-8806 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
159. | CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE | 0271-2091 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications | Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications | Mechanics | Physics, Fluids & Plasmas |
160. | EXPERT SYSTEMS | 0884-8173 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
161. | IET BIOMETRICS | 1055-7148 | Computer Science, Information Systems | Telecommunications |
162. | IET COMPUTERS AND DIGITAL TECHNIQUES | 1096-4290 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications | Engineering, Electrical & Electronic |
163. | IET COMPUTER VISION | 0886-9383 | Automation & Control Systems | Chemistry, Analytical | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence | Instruments & Instrumentation | Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications | Statistics & Probability |
164. | IET IMAGE PROCESSING | 2047-7473 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
165. | IET INFORMATION SECURITY | 2330-1635 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
166. | IET SOFTWARE | 1868-1743 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
167. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN FLUIDS | 0028-3045 | Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture |
168. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS | 1042-9832 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
169. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NETWORK MANAGEMENT | 0038-0644 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
170. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RF AND MICROWAVE COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING | 0960-0833 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
171. | JOURNAL OF CHEMOMETRICS | 1932-1864 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
172. | JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE-EVOLUTION AND PROCESS | 1942-4787 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
173. | JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | 0266-4720 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
174. | MOLECULAR INFORMATICS | 2047-4938 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
175. | NETWORKS | 1751-8601 | Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture |
176. | RANDOM STRUCTURES & ALGORITHMS | 1751-9632 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
177. | SOFTWARE-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE | 1751-9659 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
178. | SOFTWARE TESTING VERIFICATION & RELIABILITY | 1751-8709 | Computer Science, Information Systems |
179. | STATISTICAL ANALYSIS AND DATA MINING | 1751-8806 | Computer Science, Software Engineering |
180. | WILEY INTERDISCIPLINARY REVIEWS-DATA MINING AND KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY | 0271-2091 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
181. | ADVANCED INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS | 0266-4720 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
182. | COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE | 1751-8601 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
183. | COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION | 1751-8709 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
184. | JOURNAL OF CHEMOMETRICS | 1932-1864 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
185. | JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE-EVOLUTION AND PROCESS | 1942-4787 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
186. | JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | 0266-4720 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
187. | NETWORKS | 1751-8601 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
188. | SOFTWARE TESTING VERIFICATION & RELIABILITY | 1751-8709 | Computer Science, Theory & Methods |
190. | TRANSACTIONS ON EMERGING TELECOMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES | 2161-3915 | Telecommunications Technology |
191. | COMPUTER ANIMATION AND VIRTUAL WORLDS | 1546-4261 | Computer Science & Engineering |
192. | COMPUTER GRAPHICS FORUM | 0167-7055 | Computer Science & Engineering |
193. | CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE | 1532-0626 | Computer Science & Engineering |
194. | IET COMPUTERS AND DIGITAL TECHNIQUES | 1751-8601 | Computer Science & Engineering |
195. | IET INFORMATION SECURITY | 1751-8709 | Computer Science & Engineering |
196. | IET SOFTWARE | 1751-8806 | Computer Science & Engineering |
197. | JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE-EVOLUTION AND PROCESS | 2047-7473 | Computer Science & Engineering |
198. | SOFTWARE-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE | 0038-0644 | Computer Science & Engineering |
199. | SOFTWARE TESTING VERIFICATION & RELIABILITY | 0960-0833 | Computer Science & Engineering |
200. | STATISTICAL ANALYSIS AND DATA MINING | 1932-1864 | Computer Science & Engineering |